The P.R.I.S.M Experience
P.R.I.S.M stands for (P)owering (R)eal - world (I)nterdisciplinary (S)tudent (M)usic Experiences. It encapsulates all the opportunities, spaces and experiences in Evergreen students can have to recognise, showcase, and develop their passion and interests in the arts.
Charting progress, forging memories.
At Sec 1, students are given a P.R.I.S.M passport. This booklet tells them:
1) What activities they can participate in school to earn points,
2) How many points to reach the next level, and
3) Which incentives and opportunities become available with each level.
As a passport, they can:
1) write down the activities they have taken part in,
2) Get the friends they have made in these activities to sign on it,
3) receive stickers and chops for their participation in various events.
Activities that give points include:
Emceeing for school events
Performing in concerts (simply auditioning included)
Choreographing / songwriting
Taking on a heavier role in the lower secondary music programme (e.g. singing in the group project, volunteering as a leader for a term)
Backstage crew / AVA
1st iteration (2017).

2nd iteration (2019).

3rd iteration (2021).
Developing further at Sec 3
At Sec 3, students gain access to two exciting opportunities that focuses on concert management. They can audition to sign up to be our Arts Ambassadors or our Musical ICs. During this 1 year stint, these student leaders get to experience what it is like to publicise, organise, carry out auditions, generate hype, carry out rehearsals, stage management, negotiate space and carry out a full concert. All these real world experiences prepares them for what it is like to navigate stage productions.
Arts Ambassadors
focus on organising various concerts (3 small, 1 big) where students sign up to showcase their talents.
Musical ICs
focus on organising 1 big musical, often times doubling up as the people who write the script and music.
2022 / 2023 Arts Ambassadors (left).
Teachers' Day Musical 2024 ICs
Matilda The Musical
As students continue exploring their passions, they gain points along the way. The point system helps us gauge who might seriously be interested in further developing their artistic palette.
Matilda the Musical

Swan Lake

LKY the Musical